
Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

What is a Boiler Steam Drum?

Steam Drum Boiler Diagram
A steam drum is a standard feature of the boiler water pipes. It is a reservoir of water / steam at the upper end of the tube of water. Drums keep the steam produced in the water tubes and act as a phase separator for mixed steam / water. Density difference between hot and cold water helps in the accumulation of -water/and "hot" saturated steam into the steam drum.
Steam Drum Design
Made of High Carbon Steel with a high tensile strength and work that involves a temperature of about 390oC and pressures well above 350 psi (2.4MPa). Separated vapor is pulled out from the top of the drum and distributed to the process. Further heating of the saturated vapor will make superheated steam is typically used to drive steam turbines. Saturated vapor is pulled from above the drum and re-enters the furnace through a superheater. Mixture of steam and water entering the steam drum through riser tubes, internal drum consisting of demister separates water droplets from steam to produce dry steam. Saturated water vapor at the bottom of the drum flows down through the downcomer pipe, usually heated, for the header and water drums. Accessories include a safety valve, water-level indicators and level controllers. The feed water is also fed to the boiler drum through the steam feed pipe extending inside the drum, along the steam drum.
Boiler Steam Drum 
A steam drum is used alone or in company mud-drum/feed water drum located on the lower level. A boiler with the steam drum and mud / water drum called a bi-drum boiler and steam drum boilers with only so-called mono-drum boiler. Construction of bi-drum boiler normally intended for low pressure boiler-rating while the mono-drum largely designed for high pressure ratings.

5 komentar:

  1. Hey friend I want share with you something hope this one good for you. Be sure to communicate all pertinent information regarding your application to the manufacturer when you request a quotation. Most manufacturers have a design questionnaire available for you to use when collecting data for a heat exchanger application. There is some basic data needed for the fluids on both the hot and cold sides to properly size a plate and frame heat exchanger. They include the fluids names, the flow rates of each, the physical properties (specific gravity, specific heat, thermal conductivity and viscosities) if the fluids are other than water or glycols, design pressure and the maximum allowable pressure drops for the heat exchanger. Please include any potential issues such as erosion, particulates, fouling, etc., if applicable.
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